Leading Your Worship Team Through A Pandemic

Like so many of you, I’m still trying to come to terms with and find the normalcy within the changes that have happened over the last year due to COVID. As a worship pastor, it’s been one of the most challenging seasons to navigate while trying to keep the worship team engaged, motivated, and simply put – together! Many have withdrawn and even disconnected in self-preservation, which can I say is totally understandable given the circumstances. It’s almost felt like we’ve been in the ‘waiting room’ for when things to go back to normal. But the truth is, a shift has happened, and things will probably never be the same again. And neither will we!

As a worship team, the comfort of fellowship and physical connection, the togetherness and momentum of weekly band rehearsals and the strengthening of our faith in corporate worship every Sunday has been put on hold as one week of lockdown has rolled into the next. We’ve had to let go of the predictable infrastructure that once was, and embrace a new way of doing things, some of us being thrown head-first into online worship recordings not knowing which camera to look at, bumpy and unimpressive production runs with countless retakes, learning to work with the awkward silence and blank stares on zoom meetings and just adjusting to online everything!  It’s been a wild ride to say the least. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of it all!

Besides all the practicalities of everything we’ve learned through this time to make our Church online experiences great, we would do well as leaders to first and foremost know and perceive what God is saying and what He’s doing in the season we find ourselves in. We have to fully rely on His leading more than we ever have in order to transition both ourselves and our worship teams well through the many changes.

Here are a few simple offerings that have helped our Worship Team through this time.


With in-person gatherings restricted right now, online fellowship, as challenging as it can feel sometimes, is so important to keep the team engaged, healthy and feeling cared for. A personal call goes a long way, but also inviting the team to gather on Zoom in place of rehearsals keeps the momentum and discipline of a weekly ‘band night’ going. Not everyone may join every time, but for those that do, these are life giving and culture building. Be intentional about the time together. This could look like a warm welcome and some lighthearted banter, but be sure to include an encouragement from the Word,  pray together and take communion at each meeting. Allow the team to use the comment section for prayer requests and engagement as some may feel too shy or awkward to speak if it’s a large group. Let the Holy Spirit lead you as to what is needed for your team that night.

“This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other on as we anticipate that day drawing near” – Hebrews 10:25 (TPT)


To the Worship Pastors, Worship Leaders and Band Leaders that have been riddled with overwhelming thoughts of, ‘am I doing enough’, ‘am I enough’, ‘am I being creative enough’, ‘am I fulfilling all my teams needs’, ‘why is the team disengaging’ – while these are very real questions, I want to say to you with all the love, grace and compassion of Jesus, STOP! I have been there so many times in my head and simply put – it’s the flesh! The enemy trying to discourage you. It’s okay to feel unsure, a bit out of control and in limbo, and maybe even weak. Learn to be still and listen to what the Spirit is saying to you. God loves it when we come to Him. Stop looking around and comparing your ministry and team to another’s. Begin to seek God and let Him speak to you. He will lead and guide you even in the smallest things. He’s not taken by surprise by the season we find ourselves in. He knows what’s needed.

“My grace is always sufficient for you, and my power finds it’s full expression in your weakness” – 2 Corinthians 12:9 (TPT)


In the pursuit and business of building and doing Church, we may have lost sight of some of the most important and foundational disciplines of our Christian walk.  I believe the Holy Spirit is leading us back to the basics before returning to our Church platforms.  Back to the secret place, the place of intimacy with Him. The Father doesn’t just want our worship, more than that he wants our hearts. All of it! To priorities our personal walk with the Lord and really know Him.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be” – Matthew 6:21 (NKJV)


Things that were needed before, are no longer needed for the season ahead. We must experience transformation first as leaders before we can lead our teams into the next chapter. Allow God to gently remove what perhaps may be old ways of thinking and patterns in order to embrace the new.

“Do not remember the former things, not consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing” – Isaiah 43:18

He’s resetting some things, recreating, reshaping and enlarging us on the inside. I want to encourage you to daily open the Word, speak to your Heavenly Father and let Him speak to you , partake of His finished work – holy communion, and pray in the Spirit often. These are foundations of our faith and the secrets to our strength and maturing in this season. More than ever before we need to know His voice and be led by the Spirit.

“Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord” – Zachariah 4:6 (NKJV)

Anne Kartapanis

I'm Anne Kartapanis! A worship pastor at Redemption Church (www.redemptionchurch.co.za) located in Greenstone. Serving under Senior Pastor Joshua McCauley.


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